Ära riski, küsi märki!

The Association of Estonian Accountants issues a quality mark, the aim of which is to help Estonian entrepreneurs find a reliable and professional accounting firm.

For the entrepreneur

ERK quality mark as a security-providing professional badge – make sure that your accountant has it!


ERK kvaliteedimärgiga äratad ettevõtjates usaldust!

For the entrepreneur

For the entrepreneur

Your company deserves to find the best accountant for it. To simplify your search, we have created the ‘ERK Acknowledged Accounting Firm’ quality mark. How does this help you?

Kuidas see Sind aitab?

You will easily find a reliable accounting service provider.

It gives you the confidence that your company's accounting is in good hands.

You gain the knowledge that the service provider is recognized and knowledgeable.

In addition to accounting services, you also receive good financial advice.

In case of complaints, you can turn directly to ERK as the issuer of the quality mark.

Experiences of other entrepreneurs: why choose an accounting firm recognized with the mark?



„ERK Tunnustatud raamatupidamisettevõte“ on kvaliteedimärk, mis tõendab Sinu kui raamatupidamisteenuse osutaja professionaalsust. Mida räägib märk Sinu kui teenuspakkuja kohta?

Mida räägib märk Sinu kui teenuspakkuja kohta?

Oled usaldusväärne ning
tekitad kindlustunnet

Paistad silma ning
eristud teistest

Tõendad oma asjatundlikkust ja kvalifitseeritust

Omad sõltumatu siseaudiitori poolt
kontrollitud kvaliteedisüsteemi

Näitad, et Sinu kui teenuspakkuja
enda finantsasjad on korras

Raamatupidamisteenuse protsessid on paigas ja selged

Raamatupidamisbüroode kogemused: mida on andnud
märgisega tunnustamine?

Acknowledged Accounting Firms

The Association of Estonian Accountants

ERK is a professional association that provides accountants with a sense of belonging. We stand for this honorable profession as the grantor of the accounting qualification and support accountants in their professional development. As a representative organization, we also ensure the support of accountants.


Kui Sul on „ERK Tunnustatud raamatupidamisettevõtte“ kvaliteedimärgi kohta küsimusi,
siis oleme Sinu jaoks olemas!

Pille-Riin Piho
Raamatupidamisettevõtete valdkonna koordinaator
Eesti Raamatupidajate Kogu

Kirjuta meile
